What problem does Farms and Finance help solve?
Too many farmers in Australia borrow too much debt.
What is Farms and Finance?
Farms and Finance is the tool we use to broker introductions.
Why should I use Farms and Finance?
I should use Farms and Finance because I am a farmer trying to find the right strategic investment partner who is out there for me.
It feels like there are more and more new investors are realising they need investment relationships with people like me because we control upstream production in the supply chain that helps improve food security.
What problem do I have that I can use Farms and Finance to help me solve?
My competitors are growing by arranging third party capital as equity rather than borrowing more money from a bank.
My farm requires my full-time attention, I do not have enough time to leave it and spending too much time in the city is probably required to meet enough potential equity partners and figure out who are the right ones for me.