How to Post an Introduction as a Private Story
STEP 1 – Choose one Tasmanian business associate who wants you to try introducing them this way to business people in Tasmania.
STEP 2 – Work with your business associate to write a short story about why they want you to introduce them, the kind of person they want to meet and why that’s important.
Avoid identifying your business associate or their
company by name because that helps protect their commercial privacy during this
part of their online search process.
Focus your story on character development, what commercial
problem they face, want to overcome and what goal they plan to achieve as their
best way to overcome their problem.
If you write an entertaining story with this kind of
data then that gives you & your business associate a better chance of introducing
them to the kind of people who they need to meet.
STEP 3 – Email your story to Adam –
STEP 4 – Adam will post your story online and email back to you the link where it is viewable only by people like you who have that link.
Example private story link is here:
STEP 5 – Adam can help distribute your story by sending your link online to his business associates in Tasmania.